by Peggy Shippen, CHiPS Committee

Frida Arriaga
Advancing gender equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research many times requires us to call on our knowledge of basic civics – a piece of education so many students are now lacking. Frida Arriaga, a Palm Springs AAUW branch 2019 TT Camper made a video, “A Signal for Little Lives,” which shows she (and adults alike) can – with passion, purpose and patience – effectively drew upon basic civics to make positive difference for girls and boys in her community.
Frida is still focused on STEM, is a math whiz at Shadow Hills High School and on the track team. This picture is of her on the way to a track meet in Hemet last week. She tells me she is also interested in exploring what it takes to become an engineer – at USC!
AAUW Eugene-Lane Branch asked Frida to make her video available to help launch a new Civics Trek Contest that requires participants to make a video of how they would go about making a civic change. (While we did not quite realize our contest aspirations this year, we hope to try again in the future.)