AAUW Kappy Eaton Scholarship Fund
In Memory of the Incomparable Kappy Eaton (1924-2018)

Kappy Eaton and Ashley Ordway, first recipient, at the October 10, 2009, branch meeting in Eugene.
Our branch has funded the AAUW Kappy Eaton Scholarship Fund with Lane Community College. Kappy was an Honorary Life Member of our branch by virtue of having been an AAUW member for more than 50 years! This Scholarship honors and memorializes Kappy for her many years of service and her unstinting contributions to the AAUW mission.
Tax-deductible donations can be mailed to the Lane Community College Foundation, 4000 East 30th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405. Make your check out to the LCC Foundation, indicating “AAUW Kappy Eaton Scholarship Fund” in the memo line.
This fund is a permanent, ongoing endowment for women LCC graduates who are transferring to a four-year university to complete their bachelor’s degree. Our first candidate was funded for her first year in 2009, and funded again in 2010.