Trena Cleland, Personal Historian
What early-life memories does the onset of winter evoke in you? Perhaps you remember festive holiday traditions or Solstice rituals; the squeak of boots in snow or the scrape of ice skates; or the delicious smells of a special dish that your mother made only once a year. When you think of childhood winters, what comes to mind?
You’re invited to share these memories during our AAUW Eugene-Lane branch interactive Saturday, December 12 holiday branch gathering, 10 am – noon, guided by longtime personal historian Trena Cleland.
What To Expect
Trena will give a brief overview of the field of life review and reminiscence, with tips on recording your stories as a legacy for your descendants. She’ll then invite us to share our winter-themed reminiscences with the group. (There’s no obligation to participate, of course; you’re welcome to just listen in!)
Winter Tale Examples (pick one)
- “Show-and-tell” with a special object or winter-themed photo that evokes a seasonal story you’d like to share.
- Read a short passage you’ve written about how your family celebrated the holidays.
- Reflect on a memory your children/grandchildren would enjoy if they could read your memoirs.
- Share one way you are adapting your 2020 seasonal traditions, in light of the pandemic.
To include as many participants as possible, plan to limit your winter tale to 2-3 minutes.
Branch members are encouraged to invite interested family members to attend as well, as our guests. We’ll email you Zoom participation details prior to the event. Questions to Carol Hildebrand.